One million people skilled in deep tech by 2025

Woman working in a lab enviromentWoman working in a lab enviroment
The potential in AI-supported digital learning for professionals: A conversation with Caroline Mol, EIT Deep Tech Talent Advisory Board Member
Start for Future launches good practice guide for inclusive and sustainable entrepreneurship & innovation in deep techStart for Future launches good practice guide for inclusive and sustainable entrepreneurship & innovation in deep tech
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Start for Future launches good practice guide for inclusive and sustainable entrepreneurship & innovation in deep tech
Promoting education and career opportunities: A conversation with Luz Fernández from TecnoCampus

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EIT Alumni CONNECT 2024
EIT Deep Tech Talent Initiative discovery webinar for Polish stakeholders hosted by NCP in Poland
Visit the EIT Deep Tech Talent Initiative booth at Europe’s leading higher education conference EAIE Toulouse

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The initiative

The Deep Tech Talent Initiative is a flagship under the New European Innovation Agenda, the European Commission’s instrument to position Europe at the forefront of the new wave of deep tech innovation. Through the Initiative the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT), Europe’s largest innovation ecosystem, will train 1 million people in deep tech areas.

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The Pledge for Deep Tech Talents

The Deep Tech Talent Initiative will offer courses and funding to develop and scale up new or existing curricula in deep tech. By mobilising the EIT ‘s network of over 3200 partners, a powerful alliance of training providers, companies, higher education institutions, public authorities and financing partners will be formed through the Pledge for Deep Tech Talents.

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Meet the Pledgers

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”Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iasi
2811 Social Enterprise UG
4D Consulting
Abdullah Gul University
Academia Institute of Technology

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