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Legal notice & privacy policy

The “EIT Deep Tech Talent” website is published by EIT MANUFACTURING, a French non-for-profit association (association loi 1901) registered with the National Directory of Associations of Essonne in France (W913012329).

  • Siret number: 880 778 576 00012
  • Whose registered office is located at: Paris-Saclay, NanoINNOV, 2 Boulevard Thomas Gobert, 91120 Palaiseau, France;

Due to not-for-profit nature of the activities, our association does not have an EU VAT number.

  • FR VAT: FR62 880778576
  • Information published on this website is provided by the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT)
  • Our site is hosted by: IN THE COLD AB, the server is located at the Science Park 610, 1098 XH Amsterdam, Netherlands, phone number +46-70-588 08 03.
  • The information collected via registration or submission forms on this website will be shared with the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) as well as with  EIT Knowledge and Innovation Communities. (Privacy statement – European Institute of Innovation and Technology )

You can contact us at any time using the following contact address (info@eitdeeptechtalent.eu)
