The Intel® AI Global Impact Festival’s ‘AI Changemakers’ winners announced

Launched in 2021, the Intel® AI Global Impact Festival is an annual Digital Readiness celebration for next-generation technologists and teachers, as well as academia, ecosystem, and government partners to showcase AI innovation and impact, and has more than 25+ countries from across the world participating.

The Festival provides audiences with opportunities to celebrate and learn about AI, and for students, with impactful, responsible ai projects that are solving real problems in their communities, to compete in the Global AI Changemakers competition, which this year had over 1000 entries from around the world. Expert judges then assessed the 100 shortlisted entries on their social impact, alignment with UN Sustainable Development Goals, responsible and innovative AI development, and creative use of Intel’s technologies.

The winners of the AI Changemakers competition have been announced and are available for viewing on the Festival platform, which will remain live until 25 October.

Of the winners, Dawn Jones, Vice President of Corporate Social Impact, Intel, Intel Foundation President, said: “Your creative diverse and innovative minds are enriching lives, you are all true superstars making an impact in your communities and worldwide.”

Learn about AI

As well as the global winners’ announcement video in the centre of the lobby, there are also three sections worth visiting to learn about AI and its potential:

  • Celebrate
    • Watch the Global Winners Announcement video
    • AI Changemakers – Explore the AI projects developed by students for the Intel®️ AI Global Impact Festival competition over the previous years
    • AI Gaming Area – with four AI-based online games to play and experience AI at work
  • Learn
    • Micro-Learning Series – with certificates available for successful completion
      • Introduction to Entrepreneurship with AI – develop an entrepreneurial mindset and explore the possibilities of leveraging AI for successful businesses
      • Introduction to AI for Space – explore different applications of AI in space and get acquainted with the potential of technology for space exploration
      • Introduction to AI for Sports – explore the role of AI in sports and get equipped with applications in strategy, injury prevention and analytics
      • Introduction to Responsible AI Skills – learn about responsible AI skills and the need to use AI impactfully and responsibly
      • Introduction to Generative AI – get acquainted with generative AI, its possibilities and potential
    • Experiential learning activities for AI PCs – open-sourced notebooks that provide you with a unique learning opportunity to perform various AI-related tasks through your AI PCs.
  • Compete
    • Access AI innovations by next-gen technologists from across the globe. The AI innovations are showcased under the AI changemakers category, and are split into two age groups: 13-18 and 18 above.

