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Is CLEAN AIR S.rl. SOcietà Benefit

Our pledge
ISCLEANAIR intends to strengthen the empowerment of young employees to consolidate its commitment to placing new young talents in leadership positions who can help to company to scale up in the international market. Young people in technology and innovation are underrepresented globally, but ISCLEANAIR is committed to creating an environment where young talents can thrive. For this reason, it will immediately offer young and new employees the opportunity to participate in decision-making activities and meetings, in order to increasingly integrate with their male counterparts who make up the majority of the senior team. Within a year, tools for training and expanding skills will be made available: webinars, courses, masters will be provided free of charge to increase skills. All the courses and webinars will be also offered by ITA – Italian Trade Agency with whom we are core partner as well as EIT Manufacturing, with whom we are always core partner, and they provide us regularly tools and webinars for ISCLEANAIR team for the continuous training of the young team who will have to support the companies in crucial development activities: https://www.ice.it/it/formazione-in-diretta-webinar-e-contenuti

We will provide training based on our APA project and the young talents will allow us to extend our business in the international market and launch new projects. They will work on the development and further improvements of our technology.

Is CLEAN AIR S.r.l – Società Benefit started operationally in 2015, building upon several years of research, development, and testing activities aimed at improving its groundbreaking filterless and water-based APA – Air Pollution Abatement technology and related solutions. Its mission is to purify the ambient air we all breathe and create healthier, safer, and energy-efficient living and working environments, both indoor and outdoor. To date, the company has 200+ installations, 60+ projects, wide IPRs, as well as prestigious certifications and recognitions worldwide.

APA – Air Pollution Abatement- technology and related solutions represent a paradigm shift in environmental sustainability, enabling the development of innovative deep-tech solutions for ambient air purification and energy efficiency sectors, both indoors and outdoors. Using only nature’s power, with water and mechanical processes and eliminating the need for filters, APA achieves an impressive 99.9% reduction in ambient air pollution (mainly at the surface level), simultaneously addressing the widest range of toxic pollutants and harmful substances, including greenhouse gasses such as CO2 and ammonia and also the smallest nanoparticles enabling viruses and bacteria to spread in the indoor environments. Thus, APA preserves the environment and allows the protection of human health. APA is also revolutionary in terms of energy efficiency because when combined with HVAC – Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning systems already installed in buildings, it can enhance energy efficiency and cut energy costs by up to 25% (thanks to the connection between the two technologies) and, consequently, CO2 emissions while providing the other benefits as stated above. With over 200 installations, and more than 60 projects delivered, extensive IPRs and prestigious certifications and awards around the world, it has extensively proven its technical feasibility in terms of coupling with HVACs and is already establishing itself as a global leader as an environmentally friendly ambient air purification and energy efficiency technology.



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