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Kyiv Academic University

Our pledge
KAU is a coordinator of the Association for Academic Cooperation “Academ.City” (https://academcity.org.ua). The association aims to create a deep tech science and technology park Academ.City and to develop an innovative infrastructure to ensure increased market readiness level of the scientific innovations within the scientific institutes of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. KAU and its innovation departments have been developing the elements of the innovation infrastructure for 3 years in close cooperation with the business community, local government, state institutions and society. Our pilot projects include science-business networking activities, deep tech incubation programs, project mentoring, educational programs on startup creation, business communication, technology transfer, strategising, etc.
KAU’s digital innovation hub, NOSC-UA DIH (http://cloud-5.bitp.kiev.ua/?page_id=1256&lang=en), develops an innovation ecosystem and provides its participants with essential services for the Implementation of digital technologies: promotion of integration, adaptation and adjustment of various technologies, testing, modelling, experiments that allow testing before investment, demonstration events, assess digital maturity, promote awareness.
NOSC-UA DIH aims to promote:
● cooperation between research infrastructures and innovation companies (in particular SMEs) based on digital technologies
● new products and services using R&D, innovative “green” and digital technologies
● integration of Ukrainian SMEs and researchers in the European Research Area and the EU Digital Single Market.
CADS – Carbon Agri Data Space (https://i4trust.org/experiments/cads/) is one of the digital projects developed by NOSC-UA DIH and its partner – Bioinvestagro. The service will allow farmers (through data service providers interacting with the decentralised data-sharing infrastructure powered by ØKP4 blockchain protocol) to leverage the use of the data they already produce, combined with other data sources such as external and open data. It will provide them with tools to help the farmers come up with tangible proof of their carbon impact. Also, dedicated ecosystem stakeholders will find go-to-market opportunities for these proofs, bringing back value for the whole ecosystem.
BIOINVEST-AGRO will adapt for data experiments their Cloud model for Carbon Footprint assessment in crop growing and agri-food value chains (EOSC DIH AgriFootprint pilot supported under the EOSC Future and collaborating projects) supported by EOSC Services and Cloud infrastructure. The general solution will be drawn up and deployed using the infrastructure and support of EOSC DIH, an international and multi-partner cooperation that supports companies in easily accessing the digital technologies and services offered by the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC).
In addition to its primary curriculum, KAU suggests advanced deep-tech courses and summer schools for students.
In 2023, KAU held a series of intensive workshops, Art Meets Science in Ukraine (https://3dworkshop.in.ua), on Scientific Visualization and Interactive 3D Art using virtual reality. Organised across three Ukrainian cities at the end of the winter academic semester of 2023, these workshops were a chance to discover how Art and science can intersect in innovative ways. Participants learned to transform a 3D camera livestream, a 3D scan of their favourite object, or an intriguing scientific dataset into extraordinary visual experiences.
KAU is an organiser of a Summer School on Quantum Machine Learning (https://kau.org.ua/en/news/998-the-summer-school-on-quantum-machine-learning-2023). The school’s courses are designed to provide an introduction to the basic material: quantum mechanics, classical machine learning, quantum computing, and quantum algorithms, which are essential for learning the basics of quantum machine learning and its applications.

The key principle behind Kyiv Academic University is “learning by doing research internationally”: to provide a research-intensive education system by leveraging the expertise of research institutions within the NAS of Ukraine while promoting integration with the European Research Area and fostering international collaborations with leading research universities. Under the “Academ.City” project, KAU unites 12 research institutes to support deep-tech innovations and establish a science and technology park.

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Advanced powder materials and technologies

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Kyiv Academic University



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Atomistic Materials Informatics:from First Principles to Machine Learning Methods

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Structure and Properties of Materials

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Fundamentals of Materials Joining and Processing

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Introduction to Machine Learning

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