L.C.S.D. – Associação Data Colab – Laboratório Colaborativo Para Serviços de Inovação Orientados Para Os Dados
Our pledge
Our motivation to join the Pledge stems from our commitment to advancing digital transformation through data-driven innovation and education. By participating in the Deep Tech Talent Initiative, Data CoLAB aims to contribute to the development of high-level skills essential for the digital age. We offer a comprehensive range of educational programs, including courses on data management, advanced data analytics, and crucially, cybersecurity. Our programs are designed to equip individuals with the knowledge and skills needed to navigate and secure the digital landscape, ensuring a safer and more innovative future.
Data CoLAB is a private non-profit association aimed at bridging the gap between emerging knowledge and technologies and market needs through the development of data-oriented services. Established in Portugal in 2021, it provides services across the entire data value chain to citizens, businesses, and the public sector, driving their digital transformation and fostering a secure digital revolution. Data CoLAB is also a recognized training entity, offering educational programs within its areas of expertise.