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leXsolar GmbH

Our pledge
1 Million people would be educate be Deep TECH Talents Initiative. Thats mean 1.000.000 people who will be multiplicators to force the progress in whole Europe. We are provider for hardware solution in training and education of green energies and sustainable technologies. With our products we will make the energy transistion possible.

See our training program renewable in Europe:

See our program for hydrogen and fuel cell training:https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/vzjq3eiy12475vamb6xdg/H2Lab-a-Combined-Training-Platform.pptx?rlkey=lqm80bksu9z7n3k4dhla3n7ti&dl=0

leXsolar – understanding new energies
With the help of more than 60 global partners in the field of education and industry, leXsolar is on the way to be a market leader of experimentation and demonstration systems for renewable energy. leXsolar relies on high quality and on a customer oriented service. The main focus is our credo: “Together with you, we’ll develop enthusiasm for renewable energy and will contribute to the energy transition.”

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