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Prishtina REA

Our pledge
The Training of Young People on Web development, Bigdata Analytics Cloud Computing Machine learning, Artificial Intelligence, C# programming, Python programming, Java programming with Mobile Application, Cyber Security, is our core activity program for the youth ICT enthusiasts in Kosovo. Prishtina REA has been one of the driving forces behind the development and growth of the Kosovar Innovation and ICT sector with a well networked and partnership.

Prishtina REA is among the most well-known local organization and project implementer in the support to
youth up skills and start-up initiatives, VET and market-oriented training and formal education, innovation support, Digital Agenda and ICT skills, e-ID and Business management, internationalisation and know-how transfer, training and capacity building. There are more than 12 ICT professional 300 hrs training module implementing for 5 years and ready to align to new technologies & skills.

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