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Our pledge
New to quantum? Would you like to know more about the upcoming emerging technologies that will disrupt our businesses and our society?
We provide a range of educational solutions from creating awareness of quantum technologies to advances courses. Discover more below:
– The Qureka! Box: https://qureca.com/qureka-box/
– Quantum Training for Industry: https://qureca.com/quantum-training-for-industry/
– Educational partner services: https://www.qureca.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/QURECA-General-Brochure.pdf
Our catalogue can be found here: https://lms.qureca.com/catalogue/!

QURECA provides a range of educational products and services in quantum technologies, and the solution to the quantum workforce skills bottleneck: the first online platform for quantum training and resourcing, to support individuals and businesses to be part of the quantum revolution.
In 2019, the Royal Society described QURECA Ltd. as the company that “fills the gaps in the existing quantum community, creating a society ready for quantum through a common language.”

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