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Our pledge
VAIMEE can contribute to the Deep Tech Talent Initiative as researchers and entrepreneurs by sharing our experiences and know-how on the role of Knowledge Graphs, Semantic Web and Web of Things technologies to enable interoperability, allowing IoT devices, services and models to seamless interact and collaborate to create Interoperable Digital Twins.

VAIMEE is a University of Bologna spinoff whose mission is to develop a platform, the Milky Data Way, for building Interoperable Digital Twins driven by real-time, heterogeneous, not-structured and dynamic data. Milky Data Way combines Web of Things to interact with the physical IoT world with Knowledge Graphs to interoperable data sharing and orchestration of software agents. VAIMEE is developing Agorà, the Agritech Oracle, a Digital Twin for precision agriculture which allows to predict crop water needs at different scale, from field to landscape level. Agorà provides the optimal irrigation scheduling for any crop, on any soil, worldwide. Agorà works without sensors to reduce costs but multi-vendor devices (e.g., soil moisture, CRNS sensors, weather stations) can be integrated if needed.

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ISWAD – Interoperable Semantic Web Application Development

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